Monday, March 31, 2014

Documented Life Project week #14

Unfortunately I need to play catch up. So here goes. Week 14 of the Documented life Project: Write Your Name and Embellish It.

 I didn't like my name while I was growing up, I've seen so many comments about that from other people. Well I didn't like my name either.

I was actually teased about my name. People used to joke and tell me that's a boys name. To make bad maters worst, there was a boy about my age who lived next door who had the same name. I don't know why my mom did not name me Melody or Hope or something like that.

As I go older, my name was no longer a problem for me. After all there is a shade of green called Kelly Green - or so I am told.  Although my embellishments don't show up here. I stuck some sequence around the page to give it a little dazzle.

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